If you have an Apple iPhone, you are on the wrong page. Please click here.

We’re excited you’re joining us on this exciting adventure as one of our exclusive Beta Testers!


Please follow the steps below to download and access the Beta!

Before you proceed, please note that the descriptions of this product and the prototype being made available here are not available to the general public. They are being shared with you and this group confidentially for your testing and feedback.

Android Phone

  1. On your phone (and only on your phone) click on THIS LINK
    • If the link does not work, search for com.matchpoker.online in the Google Play store. The icon you are looking for is this one.
    • When it asks you to be a tester, make sure to accept this offer
    • Scroll down and select the link: “download it on Google Play”
  2. In the Google Play store, click “Install”
    • Select ‘Continue’ when prompted to give the app access to various functions
    • After a couple more prompts, the app will begin downloading. This process may take a minute or two.

3. If you receive a popup that looks just like the one below,
then you will need to install Google Play Games, another app that must be installed for Match Poker Online to work.

Create a Google Play Games ‘Gamer Name
(or sign in if you already have one).

(The first time you launch may take a while. Prompts may appear asking you to ‘grant Match Poker Online permission’ in various things, please select ‘Allow’.)

The match poker online app should appear with all your other apps on your home screen and will look like this:

The match poker online app should appear with all your other apps on your home screen and will look like the icon below:

Once you have launched the app, you will be guided through our registration process.

If you have further questions, such as changing username etc., you may be able to find these under the ‘Technical FAQ’ section on THIS PAGE.


Photos of a step-by-step breakdown have been included below. If you have any difficulties, please email your query to beta@matchpoker.com

Note: Our app is currently not available on devices other than iPhones or Android Phones.